“Lord – The eternal word, Jehovah, the same who spake from mount Sinai. Answered – Out of a dark and thick cloud, from which he sent a tempestuous wind, as the harbinger of his presence. In this manner God appears and speaks to awaken Job and his friends, to the more serious attention to his words; and to testify his displeasure both against Job, and them, that all of them might be more deeply humbled and prepared to receive, and retain the instructions which God was about to give them.” John Wesley
“Job 38:1-18
When the storm had ceased and the thunder was hushed, a voice spoke out of the golden splendor of the sky. See Job_37:21-22. Job had challenged God to answer him and now he is taken at his word. We recall Horeb’s ancient cave, where, after wind and earthquake, there came a sound of gentle stillness. “Arise,” said the Eternal to Job, “and gird thyself,” Job_38:3. In after years, under similar circumstances, the Spirit entered Ezekiel to strengthen him. Surely some such strengthening was forthwith given the patriarch! A sublime series of questions is now addressed to him, not by a God of judgment and wrath, but by a Father arguing and pleading with His child and pointing out two things: first, the inability of mortal man to understand the ways of God; and second, the minuteness and tenderness of God’s providence. Job had thought of Him as remote, but He is near and is ordering all things wisely and lovingly. Can He forget His child?” FB Meyer
The following insight comes from the Life in the Spirit Study Bible, Donald Stamps:

“Job 38:3 GIRD UP NOW THY LOINS LIKE A MAN. God’s words to Job are remarkable both for what they say and do not say. (1) Amazingly, Job was never told why he suffered. He never learned that his suffering involved such grave matters as the integrity and vindication of God’s redemptive work among the fallen human race (1:8-9). God’s silence in this area indicates that the why of Job’s suffering was not the most important issue at stake. (2) Also God did not refer to the careless and extreme statements that Job uttered in his speeches. God did not severely rebuke him or hold his foolishness against him. He understood and sympathizes with Job’s suffering and weighed his words and feelings with compassion.
“Job 38:4 THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH. God’s speeches dealt entirely with the natural world of creation and nature. He described the mystery and complexity of the universe and revealed that His method of ruling the world is far beyond our ability to comprehend. God wanted Job to understand that His activity in the world of nature is analogous to His rule in the moral and spiritual order of the universe, and that complete understanding of God’s ways will never be found in this life. But the book of Job does reveal that when all truth is finally known, God’s ways and actions will be seen as just and righteous.”
“Job 38:4 DECLARE, IF THOU HAS UNDERSTANDING. God reproved Job for speaking without knowledge (v. 2) and humbled him by making his suffering servant realize that human reasoning is no match for the infinite and eternal God (cf. 40:1-5). Without rejecting Job’s claims to moral integrity, God called into question Job’s suggestion that He might not be ruling the world justly (e.g. chs. 21; 24). But God went on to assure Job that in his dialogues with the counselors, he had spoken rightly about God (42:7). In other words, God considered Job’s error in judgment as stemming from a lack of understanding, not a failure in faith or in sincere love for his Lord.”
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