A financial investor takes your money and multiplies it for your last few years in this temporal life, right? In contrast, laborers for Christ take...
The Eternal Consequence of Obedience vs Neglect A parable is an earthy story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus’ parable of the talents is a teaching and...
Participating in the Great Commission Jesus Mandated us to Fulfill, with the resources HE gave us….. each of us doing our part. …and Yes, WE, YOU...
DID JESUS have a Vehicle, Bed, or a Bunch of Money? Beware of those who want to fabricate the unfounded, erroneous idea that Jesus was rich...
Are we trying to save America, the American way of life, so we can continue to live lukewarm Laodicean lives – so we can extend...
Did you realize that rusted gold could cost your eternal soul? Warning to the Rich “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your...
IF the real body of Christ doesn’t support HIS work, who will? No one. “I marvel to think of all the things we do in...
Our riches are in Christ who made, sustains, and owns all and holds the eternal destiny of every soul in His holy hand (Psalms 24:1;...
Recently, brother Stephen and I read Proverbs 13 together over fellowship and coffee. As you will see, we stopped at nearly every verse to discuss. Jaw...
— “For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.” Proverbs 1:32 – Listen and pass this...