There is no endorsement of any of the ministries or men who speak on this video. The world has made it all about the 2-hour wedding,...
Praying for a Godly Mate? Tired of the Fake “Christians” in America’s Apostate Modern Church World? You are not alone ….. And You are Not Limited!...
Hint: If they don’t respect and rejoice over your relationship with Jesus as the very “first love” of your life, they aren’t the one! (2 Corinthians...
Men of God are to cherish their wives, to lay down their lives for them as Christ did for the Church (Ephesians 5:25-27). Jesus laid down...
“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of...
Summary of what the Bible teaches on divorce and remarriage. There is a difference between “putting away” (separation) and a “bill of divorcement” (divorce) ….. this...
Corrupt Courts and the Devils Who Run Them! Children need BOTH their parents. As God ordained, neither is more important than the other. Neither parent should...
WOULD GOD LEAD A WOMAN TO CORRECT A MAN? There should be no question after reading this Bible verse. Women are not to teach NOR usurp...
UNMARRIED MEN, WHO DESIRE TO BE MARRIED, HAVE THE DIVINE ASSIGNMENT OF FINDING A WIFE (by Push TO UMinistry on Facebook – Edited by Stephen Michels) “Whoso findeth a Contact...
ATTN UNMARRIED DISCIPLE: A person who isn’t consumed with Christ does NOT qualify for you! Dare we waste the one life God gives us on earth...