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Jesus saved John at the Gym! Here I am, Send Me! [podcast]


EVEN MORE GOSPEL ACTION: Once again, as I was leaving the grocery store, headed for my vehicle, a dear lady who was driving into the parking lot, arriving to get groceries, rolled down her window and asked me if she could have my basket. I said sure. Then, to seize this opportunity for Christ, I asked her if she liked reading and she said “yes.” I then asked if she likes devotional books as I opened the copy of the Moments with Our Master devotional I was handing her, showing her a random day and showing her the format is a one-per-day with Scripture, a little talk about that Bible truth, and a prayer. She loved it and received it gladly. So simple.

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Grocery Basket Evangelism! [podcast] 

Evangelism | Prepared to be Used of God | Because You Care (ministry encouragement)

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White and Clean: Garments of the KING’s Bride [podcast]

The Joy of Seed Sowing

Thomas Touched [podcast]

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