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Presenting Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice

244 pages

WARNING: You may find yourself wanting to underline and highlight large portions of this volume. Daily reading a page in this Scripture-rich, Christ-glorifying, cross-centered volume will change your life forever.

Table of Contents Near Bottom of this Page.

Includes stimulating Capture Points featured at the end of each chapter for engaging group discussion and/or individual study.

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THIS VOLUME WAS produced to help us realize the imperative of laying down our lives and it keeps the reader encouraged in the daily cross and the divine reciprocation (resurrection). Beware: The reader of this book may become addicted to the cross.

Are you learning to die or are you being misled? This book, “I Die Daily” gives God’s prescription for totally victory in our daily lives.


The volume addresses both the “It is finished” perfect propitiation of Christ and ALSO the “daily” cross HE WHO BLED commanded us to “take up.” (Luke 9:23-24)

“I am carnal, sold under sin,” and yet the eclipsing power of divine grace through Jesus Christ is the glorious victory given to the saints of the Most High (Rom. 7:14; 1 Cor. 15:57). Grace overpowers sin in the lives of all who are truly and fully submitted to Christ (Rom. 6:14; James 4:7). Every human life that does not possess the eclipsing power and grace of Jesus Christ, is dominated by sin. This resurrection grace procures to us that victory as we experience what Paul termed as “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus.” (2 Cor. 4:10) When we are “Always (perpetually) bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus,” His blessed divine life will always or perpetually be manifesting in our mortal bodies as death is working in us and life through us to others (2 Cor. 4:10-12). Any person who is walking in and led by the Holy Spirit of God is dying downward and being simultaneously lifted upward by the resurrecting power of the Most High. He is therefore fruitful and blessed, and his leaf shall not wither but be ever fruitful to God’s glory (Ps. 1:3).

We must keep this message of the cross ever before our eye gates as a stirring, edifying reminder of the daily need to lay ourselves aside and allow Jesus to reign in and be “made manifest in our mortal flesh.” (2 Cor. 4:10-12) This volume in a must for every true believer and stimulates this core Gospel truth in our daily lives and is sure to deeply enrich your life in Christ.

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What Others are Saying about “I Die Daily”:

“I’m loving this amazing book! It’s amazing!” Cassandra S.

“I love this book. What freedom comes when you embrace the cross life! The cross is the only way to get more of God’s Spirit running your life instead of your wicked self. It’s no longer a struggle when the Holy Spirit is in control!” Karen Cochran

“Todd, your book, I Die Daily, has been dovetailing into other teachings I along with some friends have been listening to. Extremely “on time” for us! I just photocopied your intro, and sent that to a friend in GA.  She was so taken by just the intro she ordered three books: of course, one for her, the other two to mutual friends we have (one being in GA, the other in SC). So thankful the four us have this book to encourage each other to follow Jesus into His death, allowing His Spirit to work His death in each of us; and, that knowing His death in us, we would know His resurrected Life in us and we would know our new life IN HIM! Very much a blessing! Thank you, Todd!” Mia

“I Die Daily is an excellent book to add to your Christian library and a blessing to have copies on hand for gifts! Want to know what I love about brother Todd’s books? He is honest, gets right to the point and every page is loaded with Scripture -(unlike so many books written today)-. We ALL need to take an honest look at ourselves, ‘check’ to see if we are ‘broken and empty of self,’ ………. that is ….. truly dying daily. I’ve read my copy several times.” Darlene Thompson Troxler

“HITS THE TARGET!  A well written book. Thoroughly Scripturally based. Firmly establishes the all important “Central Core” of becoming, being, and living a TRULY victoriously Christian Life. Over the past 43 years, I have read and deeply considered 1,000s of biblically based books, and this is one of the very best. Yes, you will refresh your mind and discover further sound doctrine about the whole truth concerning Jesus Christ and what the Cross is to be in one’s life.” Frank

“This is an excellent read.  I Die Daily, get it and read it!!!!!!!!! Praise God.” David Pace

“I am reading the book I Die Daily now. Talk about having the scales fall off your eyes… Glory to God!! Thank You Lord that you have given this author an obedient heart full of the truth to feed Your flock. For You sweet Jesus have chosen us we did not choose you” Cat. J.

“This was a precious gift to me. When I started reading ‘I Die Daily’ it was very difficult to put this book down! I refer to ‘I Die Daily’ often as it is full of Scripture and truth. Brother Todd knows how to share wisdom and knowledge through his writings and the meaning of the Scripture. He is bold in telling the truth and sharing Yeshua’s Word–which we don’t see much of that today in the world of Christianity. A wonderful reference to add to your library.” -Dar” Darlene T.

“5 STARS.  The book draws the believer to The Cross of Christ, which should ever be the object of our faith. As we walk after The Spirit, our flesh can decrease and God’s will can be made manifest in our lives. This is the only message that will save the sinner and sanctify the saint. Thank you to Todd for getting this message out.” A.D.

I Die Daily is an awesome book. Too bad I did not have it in 1979 when I got saved. The message of this book would have brought more understanding on how to die to the flesh. But being under apostolic teaching is bringing more. Epinosis – Experiencing the cross in my daily life.  Yield. Submit. Surrendering. And obedience to God. … being processed with life experiences, purging, and allowing God to direct my life. There’s much, much more and I thank God for your book on I Die Daily, but it (the cross) must be applied to our life daily.” Brenda C.

“The book I Die Daily by Todd Tomasella is especially good for stubborn knuckleheads. He is zealous, passionate, unapologetic, and REPETITIVE.  For those of us who are too lazy to look up the scriptures calling us to die to self, 50 percent of this book is quoted scripture. You can’t run or hide. Only read it if you dare to face the indisputable calling to die to self.” Camilla Anderson, author, editor

“I am now reading I Die Daily.  Very impressed.  Awesome job. Praise the Lord.”

“Subject: Beautiful Book: My  husband received three of your books recently.  I started reading “I Die Daily” and it is the most beautiful thing I have read in a long time.

The zealous way that you appeal for Christ and the simple truth of His Word matches the longing of my heart. The way you challenge and call out the one who truly longs to follow Jesus Christ–it is exactly what  I have been praying for and longing for.  I felt alone in my searching, but with your book, I do not. I knew where God was calling me to go in obedience to Him, but felt so alone in that calling. I begged God just a couple of weeks ago, “It’s a narrow road–but who else is on it!  Show me someone up ahead!” And here is you, and your beautiful book.  I’m loving every word of it. I love how there are so many scriptures packed in there that there is no way to deny what Christ calls us to do. The scriptures leap off the pages and embrace me–they are beautiful words.

It is the powerful exhortation I needed–it is the personal answer to my prayers for God to show me how to live holy–for He is holy.

Thank you for not ever watering down the truth–but for striving to make it more powerful by preaching only Christ and Him Crucified.

By the way, my husband likes me a lot more when I stay “buried.” I like him a lot more, too, when I stay “buried.”  🙂

Keep writing!  And God bless you. I know He will as you stay faithful.” Camilla A., Author, Editor

“What a great book! I own one.” Stephen Michels

“I am still enjoying your book (I Die Daily). It is the only book I have marked up and folded pages down in many years. It is like you chose the words just for me that made me FINALLY able to understand and visualize things, and recognize the things in myself that I could not see.  I feel so personally blessed because God is answering such specific prayers!  You’ve one-upped Tozer, in my opinion (if that is any encouragement).” Camilla A.

“I just finished reading ‘I Die Daily’ and I wanted to say ‘Thank you’ – It’s as if my understanding went from dim to bright. Even my understanding of baptism (death, burial, and resurrection) seems to have been wanting. The way that you explained the positional cross and experiential cross was like nothing I’ve ever heard. It’s so clear now and it’s always going to pop out at me when I read the Bible now. Also, something that made a deep impression on me in the book was the importance of praying, that we fall not into temptation (Matt. 26:41; Lk. 22:40).” Matthew M.

“This great book focuses in on the most important message to the church today, the cross of Christ and the daily cross for all who will know and follow the LORD. There will never be revival until believers yield and die to self. In these pages, we are shown the way of the cross, a way which the author understands and acknowledges that he himself is daily learning.”

“In my walk with Christ, I haven’t found a book (other than the Bible) that really drills down to what’s truly important  ‘I Die Daily,’ as the title states, does this incredibly effectively!  It minces no words and speaks the truth about the attitude we need to have if we are to be true followers of Christ!” Steve Turner, President of

“Just finished your book Raised Up and am reading through I Die Daily. They are a real blessing. In fact, I will be using them as the basis for our home group study if you don’t mind. Blessings to you in his holy name.” Gavriel Smith

“Your book (I Die Daily) lays out clearly that our duty is to die; and that we are to die to sin. Praise God! It doesn’t leave a single stone unturned about our responsibility before God to identify daily with the cross of Christ.  THAT is what is sorely missing today, and even though much of the traditional church is familiar with sin-nature terminology, they are not familiar with the essential call to actually master that sin-nature if we have come into Christ. Thank you for hammering that point with great conviction.” Mark Case

“THIS BOOK READS BEAUTIFULLY. I love its message! Reading this book has challenged me to re-examine what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is and must be allowed to do in my own life, if I am to experience what it means to be a spiritual overcomer on a daily basis. I had no idea how many ways ‘I Die Daily’ could be explored. I am realizing more and more what a serious issue it is to die to myself. It is not an option.” Melissa R.

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Table of Contents

  1. “The Cross” Galatians 6:14
  2. The Essential Cross of Christ
  3. The Essential Cross of the Believer
  4. The Daily Cross in Prayer
  5. Confess This!
  6. The Cross in Light of His Appearing
  7. “O Wretched Man that I Am!” Romans 7:24
  8. The Cross and the Identity of all Saints
  9. The Cross and the Wolf
  10. “Them that Seduce You” 1 John 2:26
  11. The Intentional Circumvention of the Cross
  12. The Conquering & Victorious Power of Desire
  13. “I Keep Under My Body” 1 Corinthians 9:27

Addendum: Making Peace with God


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