The global invasion of a priesthood of beguilers have put a modern face on historical heresies. Men and women posing as pastors, prophets, evangelists, and apostles...
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John...
“The only importance the blood of Jesus has is that it showed He died.” John MacArthur “There is no saving in that blood itself.” John MacArthur...
Clear proof that the devil can only make a monkey out of fools who deny the existence of their own Maker. – SIMPLE QUESTION: IF MAN...
To study the Bible organically means simply to study God’s Word without the undue influence, the taintings of mere men! God’s Word is your life (Proverbs...
We do not endorse the ministry that has created this video. In fact, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, and Paul Washer, who all appear in this video,...
Sabbath Blasting! Shadow or the Savior? Keeping a certain day is not a sin. Not keeping a day is also not a sin. Keeping a day, such as...
IS BETH MOORE Your Idol? This is NOT an attack on Beth Moore but rather an expose’ of Beth Moore’s attack on the LORD. WHO do...
Demonic heretic Bill Johnson says that Jesus was a sinner and had to be born again. “Did you know Jesus became a sinner for us and...
No Inherent Sin Nature? Born Okay the First Time? After the Fall: Is Mankind Inherently Good or Evil? SELF-RIGHTEOUS DEVILS will be in hell first according...