Eternal Security Dialogue QUESTION ASKED: “How does one loose what he did not earn?” REPLY: Ask Jesus, He said to His own that we must endure...
Todd Tomasella radio interview.
One divine attribute does not diminish from another. I’ve met some who have the propensity to put everything in the Bible under “unconditional love” and pretty...
Bible Burners in the Modern Church World: Butchering the Word of God for Self-Serving Purposes (excerpt from the book LIE of the Ages) Forsaking the Full-Counsel...
88 Pages PRINT Version 5.95 For international orders, please add appropriate shipping as donation. ————————– PDF Version 3.50 (click below) Buy...
All of Todd’s Books on Amazon Invasion of the End Time Wolves 320 pages MOST of the men we call pastor are nothing more than the...
Buy Print Version Now 18.85 (click below) For international orders, please add appropriate shipping as donation. Buy PDF Version Now 7.50 (click below) All Todd’s Books...
Excerpt from the book Lie of the Ages “Who will have ALLLLLL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5...
BUY NOW ON AMAZON All Todd’s Book on Amazon What’s Behind this Popular Belief? Buy Print Copy Now (click below) For international orders, please add appropriate...