There can be no mercy on the flesh. As opposed to making excuse for the fallen nature in us, we must declare war on it...
“We’ve lost the power of transformation in the believer’s life by the watered down ‘have your best life now’ and many other false gospels that...
Jesus Christ is our promised land, NOT getting that house or spouse we lusted after…. or that education, job, or money we sinfully greedily, coveted...
He’s Crazy about You – Are You Crazy about Him? O if our children had the slightest clue as to how much we love them…....
Buy the Print Version Raised Up on Audible Store Support | STORE | Podcasts | Prayer | Manhood | The Conquering Cross of Christ [podcast] | The Cross Victory | Sin – Man’s Core Problem
TIMES OF REFRESHING FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD! Who’s Ready for Some “RAIN” from Heaven? God desires to refresh His people, to rain His bless-ed...
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection...
Men of God are to cherish their wives, to lay down their lives for them as Christ did for the Church (Ephesians 5:25-27). Jesus laid down...
The bread of God must be ingested daily! Jesus instructed His disciples to pray for “DAILY bread.” (Matthew 6:9-12) “Give us this day our DAILYYYYYY bread…” ...
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood with Todd Tomasella and Frank Telford by Frank Telford Growing up the primary sport that I was involved in...