Todd White is a warlock operating under the guise of a Christian evangelist. When Todd White speaks, if you will observe, it’s always all about HIM...
Collusion with Catholicism in any way is antichrist apostasy! Not long after the death of David Wilkerson in 2011, Times Square Church is now going ecumenical! Ecumenism...
Returning to the Babylonian Beast! (Revelation 17-18) WARLOCK WARNING: Kenneth Copeland’s Catholic Collusion The catholic church is antichrist. Beware saints. This is the full-on play for...
JUST ANOTHER VATICAN PLANT To collude, to comply with, to give the platform audience to a known wolf, any catholic priest, is bidding Godspeed to an...
The God-Given Liberty of Individual Christians – Non-Essentials Beware of the Dietary Devils Among the several lists of soul damning sins in the New Testament, not...
Absolutely a Vatican Infiltrator! Rick Warren is a Warlock EVER NOTICE HOW SO MUCH IS SAID ABOUT “PURPOSE”? Purpose defined by WHO? hmmmmmm Does the Bible...
by Steve Dines …. WHAT are You Waiting On? All NAR, OSAS, Calvinistic, word of faith, IHOP, SDA, seeker friendly, and emergent church fellowships and leaders are completely apostate...
Ecumenism Jim Butler Exegesis Exegesis is a theological term used to describe an approach to interpreting a passage in the Bible by critical analysis. Proper exegesis...
There’s Only One Savior ONLY Jesus died for your sins – was buried and rose again from the dead. No other ever did or could do...
Madame Jeanne Guyon— Mystic and Contemplative 1647-1717 “Here [the contemplative state] everything is God. God is everywhere and in all things.” —Madam Guyon “May I hasten...