“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” John 15:3 When God is speaking to His obedient disciple, though the ingestion...
The “More Blessed” Life “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 The “more blessed” life is the cross life our LORD calls...
In Eternity “THE FORMER SHALL NOT BE REMEMBERED, NOR COME INTO MIND.” (Isaiah 65:17) Our LORD Jesus will soon return to “make all things new.”...
It’s not going to be a black tie but rather a white robe event! WHAT’s the use of talking about end times and the events of...
Who was Amalek? The Amalekites represent Satan and the flesh and their war against God’s people and all that is right. Amalek was the grandson of...
Contrary to popular, heretical opinion, no one, not one person who dies in sin will be anywhere but hell – irrevocably. Recently I was quickened to...
The “end of a thing” is the resurrection phase which comes after “the beginning” which is death and burial. “Surely oppression (injustice) maketh a wise...
Lots of occultic symbolism in the art below. The “church growth” industry is a multi-million dollar enterprise with books, seminars, selling sermons, etc., on how to...
When Adam sinned, “death passed upon all men” thereafter (Romans 5:12, 18-19). The bonds of iniquity can only be broken by God Himself and He does...
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 “Perfect peace” can only come as...